Develop your leaders

Helping your high-achievers become inspirational team leaders.

Looking to support your leader's development?

Sounds famililar?

  • Your organisation is growing rapidly, and you see the need for team leaders to improve their people leadership skills
  • You are noticing an increase in people-related challenges that may impact performance, employee morale, loss of talented people, etc 
  • Some leaders may be operating like high-achievers rather than people-leaders
  • As a result, people are disengaged and this is hurting the organisational big time
  • You know that developing your leaders is crucial to support the organisation’s aspirations to grow

If you said yes to few or all of the above, it is time to support your leaders to build the skills and capabilities that they need to succeed!

Building Inspired Leaders

Leaders need to think beyond the traditional ways of motivating people – of using reward and punishment to control behaviours, and/or telling, convincing (& sometimes commanding) people to do things etc. It is time to help your leaders upgrade their mindset and behaviours and enable them to build inspiring cultures.

Learn about our programs

Leadership Diagnostic:
Uncovering leadership behaviours, tendencies, strengths and potential development areas


Executive Coaching:

Supporting leaders step by step towards achieving desired leadership goals and priorities

Working with Madhu, will help your leaders:

1. Become more self-aware and authentic with themselves & others
2. Bring emotional intelligence while managing themselves & others
3. Lead teams and coach people effectively
4. Develop a growth mindset to navigate rapid change and uncertainty
5. Improve their leadership confidence
Above all, help them lead with purpose, increased meaning and act from a place of inspiration.

StephanieTeam Leader, Terrywhite Pharmacy
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From working with Madhu one on one and also within the learning sessions I was able to implement new strategies as soon as I learnt them, and noticeably see a difference in myself and the company. Madhu was able to break down my goals into clear and manageable steps, which I have always had trouble with, and also work through with me my limiting beliefs – which when unknown to me was affecting my career. I started to actively pull myself up in situations where I know I was leaning towards easy preprogramed behaviours, and instead apply some of the amazing new thinking that I have learnt from the program. I now feel confident in the role I have taken on, and also in the potential for growth and new opportunities available to me in the future.
Carmen PalomaresSenior Consultant, Infrastructure Engineering, NAB Australia
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Thank you to Madhu for helping me to go to the next level in understanding myself and what drives me. Armed with this knowledge I can stride more confidently in the direction of my purpose, with clarity and understanding of the "why". I highly recommend Madhu as she has a very caring, knowledgeable and challenges me to think outside the box as well as live with authenticity - which is what I need to brand myself in the corporate market.
RachelOperations Team Leader
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Before meeting Madhu I didn't realise I had some blind spots with my behaviour. I gained some great techniques to understand myself and others. I have started to be able to break down the barriers that I have put up over many years. For example, I'm now able to speak up and put some healthy boundaries around taking care of myself as well as other. I found this very difficult as I default to putting everyone else first and then if there's time (there never is) then I can do something for me. I feel more in control of my life, in all areas. Work, home, self, family. I have gained more confidence in being myself and also understanding others point of views.
Jen ClarkCareers Officer, University of Adelaide
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Thank you, Madhu for your energy, insight, and simple practical tips on Emotional Intelligence, which is a tricky subject matter. We were very lucky to have that experience with you today. Your warmth and rapport building skills very quickly had the participants opening up and engaging well in the activities. You created lighter moments in what can be a rather heavy topic. It was well-facilitated.
Akansha Marketing Executive, Abbott Diagnostic
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You are a great coach & totally effortless to work with. I still can't believe that I made so much progress in such a short span of time. I wouldn't be this far in my career without you or have this much courage to push forward without your support. I can't thank you enough!

Looking to support your leaders and teams?



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